Thomas Aquinas College
Asked to ramp up and manage their weak public relations exposure and direct mail campaigns, in less than two years we secured abundant media coverage, a magazine Cover story, a huge Second Front Page story in all editions of the Los Angeles Times, inclusion in a book authored by a WSJ writer, and Associated Press, local and national media coverage, increased donations, and crisis management of some delicate board member issues that garnered highest praise from a local media professional, from donors and prospective donors.
How did we do it? We immediately developed a media-friendly, easy-to-grasp core description for use in press releases. This message accurately conveyed what set this Catholic, Great Books institution apart from its peers in a way that the media could understand. We created an online and off-line Media Kit and an online media-friendly, buzz-generating Press Room.
We remained consistent in our message—in press releases, announcements, fund appeals. Our new descriptive phrase caused news reporters, editors, and producers to stop short and listen, rather than gloss over the college's unique difference. We cultivated a strong relationship with new and engaged media professionals.
Prior to this tenure of work with the college, we managed its direct mail program for four and a half years which resulted in raising a million dollars, increasing alumni-giving participation to 62% (cp.Univ. Notre Dame at 50% at the time), nearly doubling direct mail donors and gaining strong media coverage of its 25-year anniversary gala.
How did we do it? We immediately developed a media-friendly, easy-to-grasp core description for use in press releases. This message accurately conveyed what set this Catholic, Great Books institution apart from its peers in a way that the media could understand. We created an online and off-line Media Kit and an online media-friendly, buzz-generating Press Room.
We remained consistent in our message—in press releases, announcements, fund appeals. Our new descriptive phrase caused news reporters, editors, and producers to stop short and listen, rather than gloss over the college's unique difference. We cultivated a strong relationship with new and engaged media professionals.
Prior to this tenure of work with the college, we managed its direct mail program for four and a half years which resulted in raising a million dollars, increasing alumni-giving participation to 62% (cp.Univ. Notre Dame at 50% at the time), nearly doubling direct mail donors and gaining strong media coverage of its 25-year anniversary gala.